Spirit Week!

Hello everyone,

Today I will be writing about what is going to happen during spirit week. So what is going to happen is we are all going to be dressed up in some clothes because its a tradition we do in our school. The first day is called HMS Day where kids just dress up in like PE shirts or whatever is school spirited in. Tilted Tuesday is a beach day so wear something beach related but don´t wear something that is inappropriate.

The next day is called Aloha Wednesday were kids dress up in something that has to do with May Day. We are doing this because we need to honor our May Day system even though we are not having it this year. The next day is called Tacky Thursday which is basically when you have Crazy Hair or even dress crazy doesn’t matter what you do just wear something crazy.

The final day is called Sports Friday which is when you wear any sort of sportswear that you have. It doesn’t matter what you wear just make sure that it is sports related. This is our spirit week from April  29-May 3 and I hope that you will participate in it. This year we did 3 so make sure you remember all of them and I’ll hopefully see you wearing it next week!

That’s it for today,


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