Sleepover With Friends

Hello everyone.

Today I will be writing about my sleepover with Mari, Leilani, Jenny, Shayann, Jojo, and Chloe. The sleepover was very short but fun. The first thing we did was go to the beach and throw sand balls at each other. Then after like 3 to 4 hours there we went to Jojo’s house to take a bath and get ready for everything. After we took baths, we just relaxed for like an hour or so and played some games with the dogs.

Then I had an eye problem that let me not go to the mall with them. Instead, I stayed home and waited for them to come back. I fell to sleep and after I washed off because I felt weird. Then when I came back we had a karaoke party and we sang almost till our voices were gone. We had a lot of fun singing and dancing to some pretty weird music to me.

After that, we stayed up to bake cakes or at least they did. I was the judge so I didn’t do anything for 3 hours straight. I was instead the camera person who would carry the camera around watching them bake cakes. In the end, it was a tough decision but actually, everyone won because everyone had the same amount of points. We went to bed at 1:30 and got pickedĀ up after we went to the mall and played mini golf. It was a fun sleepover and I hope we can do it again.

That’s it for today,


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