How to get in shape!

Hi, guys, it’s hmskailey,

Today I will tell you how to get back in shape.

So the first thing is that you should just go out and run or play something.

The second thing is to not sit and be a couch potato too much or you can get out of shape.

The third thing you have to do is out at least 4 times a week.

Now I will tell you how to stay in shape.

How you stay in shape is you have to go out a lot and not just look at a phone or an iPad.

The second thing you should do is you should make sure you run every day to stay in shape.

The third thing you have to do is make sure you drink lots of water and loads of healthy food.

Now I will tell you how you can stay in shape if you have an injury and you’re still out.

The first thing you can do is go swimming because it’s not going to hurt you if you swim.

The second thing you should do is you have to get a lot of sleep.

The last thing you need to do is just stretch so you can come back safely and not get hurt again.



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Talking about my New Years Resolution!

Hi, I’m hmskailey,

For my New Years Resolution, I want to try and get As on all my test.

  1. I will have to study much more than I usually do because if I want to get As on my tests I have to study a lot!
  2. I have to also make sure that I take really good notes so I understand what I’m studying about.
  3. I must study for more than 3 times a week so I know what the problems are better.


There are even more things that I can do to get all As on my test.

1. I can have my parents test me more just in case I don’t get the problems

2.  I can use IXL too so I don’t have to just look at the paper.

3.  After I’m done taking my notes I should let my teacher see my notes just in case so I don’t look at the right notes.

Now I will talk about what I should do when I’m taking a test. 

1. When I’m taking a test I should probably read the instructions carefully.

2. I should also take my time when I’m doing this test because if I rush I’m going to get all of the problems wrong.

3.  I should also double check my work so I know I’m doing it right.

What is your New Years Resolution going to be about?











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